Getting more out of your lead-gen with VideoAsk
14th October 2021
Written by
Leo Kabbara

Getting your customers engaged can be a difficult hill to climb. There’s plenty of ways to do, but some of them can seem time consumer, or frankly just not worth it. Asynchronous one-to-one videos which are those little videos of an employee’s face that sometimes pop-up on webpages to show you how to use them, are a good example of that. VideoAsk does away with the complexity of creating these types of videos and lets you create them in way that’ll save you time, but pull in customers and clients.

VideoAsk is great for companies of all sizes, with capabilities that let you create a better, more personal sales experience, make more effective (and faster) hiring decisions, and really stand out and make your lead generating funnels a whole lot more personal.

VideoAsk is a great tool to set up your business for greatness, but with CatchApp Bookings in the picture, manually creating new contacts before a scheduled appointment is old news.

CatchApp can save you bundles of time, but if you’re new to the genius scheduling and how it works; CatchApp lets you create a bookable calendar for your meetings and appointments, and lets you fill your schedule efficiently. If you’re having eight meetings a week for a whole year (except when you’re out the offices, of course), CatchApp saves you up to one month of time that would usually be spent organising meetings, rearranging, and following up on RSVPs. Want to make scheduling hassle-free? Sign up and get an account here

Making zaps couldn’t be easier, and now that Zapier has also added in multiple action zaps, you can add new contacts at the same time as updating fields on excel at the drop of hat with some easy and intuitive automation.

Pairing the genius scheduling of CatchApp with VideoAsk couldn’t be easier. All you need is a CatchApp Bookings account, a VideoAsk account, and your Zapier account to get started. Creating your own custom CatchApp and VideoAsk connection through Zapier is super easy, and we’ve made a how-to for that.