Collaborate with ClickUp and CatchApp
17th August 2021
Written by
Leo Kabbara

Having all your apps scattered on your laptop, desktop, or tablet can be a hassle. Sometimes you forget where you were, sometimes you don’t even know where the message you received just came from, but most importantly, it’s impractical, inefficient, and can be an easy way to procrastinate.

catchapp zapier

That’s where ClickUp comes in. Used by over 200,000 companies, ClickUp aims replace all your apps so you can complete tasks, edit docs, chat, and edit goals all from just one application.

ClickUp is a great way to manage your apps, but with CatchApp Bookings in the picture you can add new tasks or create new lists from your accepted appointments automatically, cutting down the time it takes you to do that manually.

Support_Generalnformation (150x100)@2xCatchApp can save you bundles of time, but if you’re new to the genius scheduling and how it works; CatchApp lets you create a bookable calendar for your meetings and appointments, and lets you fill your schedule efficiently. If you’re having eight meetings a week for a whole year (except when you’re out the offices, of course), CatchApp saves you up to one month of time that would usually be spent organising meetings, rearranging, and following up on RSVPs. Want to make scheduling hassle-free? Sign up and get an account here.

Pairing the genius scheduling of CatchApp with ClickUp couldn’t be easier. All you need is a CatchApp Bookings account, a ClickUp account, and your Zapier account to get started. Creating your own custom CatchApp and ClickUp connection through Zapier is super easy, and we’ve made a how-to for that.