Have all of your customers in your pocket with LeadConnector
24th September 2022
Written by
Leo Kabbara

Ever needed something that can integrate multiple CRM and conversational tools from multiple sources while ripping valuable data from your appointments all on your mobile device? Well, this Integration can help you with that!


catchapp zapier

LeadConnector is a platform for marketing agencies to manage marketing automation to customer communications and beyond. The lead connector mobile app brings all your leads, prospects, customers & appointments to your pocket


Support_Generalnformation (150x100)@2xCatchApp can save you bundles of time, but if you’re new to the genius scheduling and how it works; CatchApp lets you create a bookable calendar for your meetings and appointments, and lets you fill your schedule efficiently. If you’re having eight meetings a week for a whole year (except when you’re out the offices, of course), CatchApp saves you up to one month of time that would usually be spent organising meetings, rearranging, and following up on RSVPs. Want to make scheduling hassle-free? Sign up and get an account here.


Pairing the genius scheduling of CatchApp with QuickBooks couldn’t be easier. All you need is a CatchApp Bookings account, a Leadconnector account, and your Zapier account to get started. Creating your own custom CatchApp and Leadconnector connection through Zapier is super easy, and we’ve made a how-to for that. You can check it out here.