Help your business thrive with Constant Contact and CatchApp Bookings
9th September 2021
Written by
Leo Kabbara

Getting updates about new or current products and services to your mailing list can be a challenge. There’s plenty of hurdles along the way that can reduce your reach, increase the time spent actually getting the emails ready and sent, and even reduce how much your business is used by clients. This age of online marketing through email, websites and online stores, and social media is still new to many, but Constant Contact and CatchApp Bookings can make it a smooth process with plenty of help aloing the way.


Constant Contact is an online marketing company with the tools to help build an awesome website in minutes, upload products to your online store, create awareness on social media, or boost sales with Google Ads, with all the guidance you need to achieve your marketing goals.

Constant Contact utilises a free Email template builder and hundreds of mobile-optimized templates, so you can go straight to promoting a sale or launching a new product. Create a professional, mobile-optimized website in a few minutes, complete with images and suggestions for the best content to include. It’s perfect for moving your business online or launching a standalone store, Constant Contact’s powerful ecommerce platform ensures your customers will have a great experience. Efficiently create Facebook and Instagram ad campaigns that push traffic to your website, and generate awareness for your business.

CatchApp can save you oodles of time, but if you’re new to the genius scheduling and how it works; CatchApp lets you create a bookable calendar for your meetings and appointments, and lets you fill your schedule efficiently. If you’re having eight meetings a week for a whole year (except when you’re out of the offices, of course), CatchApp saves you up to one month of time that would usually be spent organising meetings, rearranging, and following up on RSVPs. Want to make scheduling hassle-free? Sign up and get an account here

Pairing the genius scheduling of CatchApp with Constant Contact couldn’t be easier. All you need is a CatchApp Bookings account, a Constant Contact account, and your Zapier account to get started. Creating your own custom CatchApp and Constant Contact connection through Zapier is super easy, and we’ve made a how-to for that.