Revolutionizing Business Mentoring

Revolutionizing Business Mentoring

Ian Morgan, a business mentor for numerous blue chip clients, regularly meets with large volume high-growth companies, which can be a daunting task when trying to organize appointments. To save time and increase efficiency, Ian sought a scheduling solution that could...
Limit bookings

Limit bookings

You can limit the number of bookings you receive per day or week, providing you with greater control over your schedule and ensuring that you don’t become overwhelmed with appointments. This feature allows you to set booking limits according to your availability...
Automated Emails

Automated Emails

Automated emails are a powerful feature in CatchApp Bookings that streamline your communication with clients and colleagues throughout the booking process. By setting up automated email notifications, you can save time, improve efficiency, and enhance the overall...
Booking Invitations

Booking Invitations

Booking invitations are a powerful feature in CatchApp Bookings that allows you to easily invite clients and colleagues to schedule appointments with you. By customizing and sending out booking invitations, you can streamline the scheduling process, improve...