by Leo Kabbara | Oct 18, 2022 | General
The difference between manual and automatic scheduling is no different to light and day. With manual scheduling you must schedule each meeting individually which involves you and your attendees’ precious time, whereas automatic scheduling does the entire...
by Leo Kabbara | Oct 18, 2022 | General
People in the business world have different expectations about eye contact, body language, dress code, and dining etiquette, just to name a few. Understanding appropriate corporate etiquette may go a long way, even when many businesses have switched to a more...
by Leo Kabbara | Oct 18, 2022 | General
Rules seem to change depending on context and company so it can sometimes become consuming to truly understand what is appropriate and what isn’t. While each organization may have their own idea of professionalism, there are some universal meeting standards that you...
by Leo Kabbara | Oct 18, 2022 | General
Business people have a lot of meetings. So many, in fact, that by the time you finish reading this sentence 8,000 meetings will have started in the US. For many of us, the idea of attending (or worse, hosting) a meeting is enough to strike fear into our hearts. What...
by Leo Kabbara | Oct 18, 2022 | General, News
With over 55 million meetings conducted every day, and between 35-50% of the working week spent in meetings, many people may wonder — what is the point of all this meeting time? When you’re sitting in a boring meeting, it’s hard not to have thoughts like these. But...
by Leo Kabbara | Oct 18, 2022 | General
Online booking is fast and easy compared to traditional methods of setting up an appointment. Did you know that 68% of respondents prefer automated calendar management software to book appointments today? However, you might be a bit sceptical… An informal...