How do I automate

How do I automate is a powerful integration to set up with CatchApp Bookings, and there’s more you can do with it after you’ve integrated.’s automations let you use an event inside (like changing a status) to trigger...
Integrating with Calendars (How To)

Integrating with Calendars (How To)

Integrating CatchApp with your existing calendars is a powerful way to streamline your scheduling process and keep all your appointments in one place. By syncing CatchApp with your preferred calendar application, you can effortlessly manage your bookings, avoid...
Integration page (How To)

Integration page (How To)

Managing your calendars, video calling accounts, and payments has never been easier. In this article, we’ll show you how to modify these aspects of your workflow to enhance productivity and streamline your scheduling process. Two Way Sync You are able to sync...